Burlington Pack 555
Latest News and Updates
Cub Scouting is more than just an activity. It’s adventure, learning, and discovery around every corner. From STEM, to exploring the outdoors, your son or daughter will be on the path to discovering their very best “future self”- and they’ll have fun doing it!
Cub Scouting Involves the Entire Family
That’s right – Cub Scouts isn’t just for kids. There’s something in it for you, too! Time… We know families are busy, often feeling crunched for quality time. Cub Scouting provides opportunities to spend time together while setting your kids on the path to future success. From volunteering with the pack, to leading family activities at home, parents can choose how involved they’d like to be. No pressure here…just amazing experiences!
We are reviving the Burlington Cub Scout Pack 555 Facebook Group. Please join this group and we'll use it as an additional way to stay connected and share information.
Upcoming Events:
Pack Calendar
First Meeting of the Scouting Season
When: Thursday, September 12th 6:30-7:30 pm
Where: Memorial School Cafeteria
Details: We'll kick off our 2024-2025 scouting season with our first pack meeting. Come hear about all of the fun activities we have planned for the year!
Burlington Truck Day
When: Sunday, September 15th 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Where: Burlington Town Common
Details: "Kids" of all ages are invited to enjoy a fun-filled, unique experience that gives children and their families an up-close look at their favorite “big trucks” and the opportunity to meet the people that protect, serve, and build. Come hear the sirens and horns and get a close-up view of a variety of vehicles on Sunday, September 15 from 10 am until 2 pm on the Town Common!
Pack 555 - Open House
When: Thursday, September 26th 6:30-7:30 pm
Where: Memorial School Cafeteria
Details: Pack Meeting and Open House for new families interested in learning more about cub scouts.